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Disability Action in Islington
An organisation led by Disabled people for Disabled people.
Other Support
We offer lots of other support too...
To find out the different support we provide you can
Scroll down this page, or click the headings on the left of the page.
If you are unable to find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us to see if we can help you.
Transport Services

We can support you with transport services to help you get around.
For example help with:
Blue Badges
Freedom Passes
Applying for and finding a Motability vehicle.

We can help you and carers with health and care.
We can help by:
Helping you get a carer.
Help preparing for carer assessments
Help with Attendance Allowance
Signposting to local services
For carers:
Applying for Carers Allowance
Help with Finances and getting carer discounts.
We can help with any advice you may need which you may find on our advice page.

We can help you with some of your health needs.
We can help by:
Talking with your GP on your behalf
Finding and applying for a GP.
Contacting Pharmacies on your behalf.
Help getting physio.
Finding and helping you apply for grants for aids and adaptations
Applying for Gym & Swim Discounts.
Signposting to other organisations.
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