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Becoming a Member of Disability Action in Islington

  • Are you a disabled person living, working or studying in Islington?

  • Are you interested in disability issues and want to improve disabled peoples lives?

  • Do you want the chance to meet other local disabled people?

  • If yes then become a member of Disability Action in Islington (DAII)!

Our members are vital to helping us run our organisation, and we're always looking for more members!

What do our members do?

Company meeting

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Our Annual General Meeting is always open to members. You can learn more about what we are doing and plan to do, and hope shape the future of DAII.

ballot box

Electing Directors

Our Directors are voted for by Members like you! To ensure we are always running with our clients in mind.

people discussing in meeting

Get involved in Campaigns

We are always running various campaigns throughout the year. We always keep members up to date and involved in any actions, and to help our campaigns be as strong as they can be!

What do we mean by disabled people, and who can be a member?

When we talk about disabled people we mean: people with physical or mobility impairments, people with visual impairments, people with learning difficulties, d(D)eaf people and people with hearing impairments, people with hidden or cognitive impairments and people with mental health issues.
Membership is open to:
  • Disabled people living, working/volunteering or studying in Islington
  • Parents, carers or guardians of disabled Islington residents
  • People working or volunteering for a DDPO or similar organisation supporting disabled people in Islington

How can you become a member?

Joining us is easy! We have a simple form that you can fill out.

You can either fill out the form below on our site, you can Contact Us to request large format or to do so over the phone.

Once you have sent us the form, our Trustees will look over your application and you should then be notified of your membership.

Unit 3 Marquess Estate, St Paul's Road, London, England, N1 2SY
Registered Charity Number 1055692. Company Limited by Guarantee 3201755
PHONE: 020 7354 8925
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