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Disability Action in Islington
An organisation led by Disabled people for Disabled people.
Housing and Utilities
We offer lots of support for any of your housing needs...
To find out the different support we provide you can
Scroll down this page, or click the headings on the left of the page.
If you are unable to find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us to see if we can help you.
Council Housing

We can help you with many issues and situations you may be facing with your council housing.
For example:
Help with Applying for a council property
Swapping to another property
Help getting repairs.
Aids and adaptations.
Issues with your Housing benefits.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Rent Arrears
Complaints to the council on your behalf.
We also run a Housing Disability Panel with Disabled council residents of Islington. Click Here for more information.
Private Renting

We can help you with many issues and queries about private renting.
We can help by:
Help checking your tenancy agreement
Help with Aids and adaptations.
Using a guarantor.
Getting repairs done.
Utilities and Bills

We can help you with different things with your utilities and bills.
We can help by:
Find a supplier and applying
Speaking to utility companies on your behalf.
Launching complaints on your behalf.
Help with understanding bills.
Getting discounts.
Signposting to other services.
Legal issues

We can give you some advice if you are facing legal issues with your housing.
Such as:
Rent arrears
Unpaid bills
Facing eviction or repossession.
Council and Bedroom tax

We can advise with your council and bedroom taxes, and answer any general questions you may have.
We can help with:
Applying for a council tax reduction
Applying for bedroom tax exemptions
General questions
Signpost you to support from other organisations when needed.
Other housing support

We can support you with other issues and queries about housing.
For example:
Registering as homeless, and where to get emergency support.
Selling or buying a home
We can help by form filling, general questions, contacting organisations on your behalf and much more...
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